
Inspiración // Nicola Yeoman

by Nicola Yeoman
by Nicola Yeoman
by Nicola Yeoman
by Nicola Yeoman
by Nicola Yeoman
by Nicola Yeoman

Esta es parte de de la obra de Nicola Yeoman, artista inglesa con sede en Londres. Sus instalaciones, de carácter etéreo y cuidada escenografía, las construye entre árboles o interiores industriales. Juega con la perspectiva, la sorpresa y crea ambientes oníricos cargados de detalles.

This is part of the artwork by Nicola Yeoman, English artist based in London. Her installations, whith an ethereal character and a well designed set, are built among trees or industrial interiors. She plays with perspective and the surprise and creates  dreamy worlds full of details.

Find her on Wyer Gallery.

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